Who wants to sing or ring?
Bells starts February 1
Choir starts February 13
Kick Off for Spring Choir
Tuesday, Feb 06 at the United Church in Sundre, across from the Credit Union. Remember to use the back door to the church. It’s on the west side. New people are most welcome. Make sure you bring your binder with you. If you have not yet returned your old music, you will need to allow enough time to do that. If you have any music from previous sessions, please bring it back.
Please be prepared to pay your $25 registration fee for choir and/or bells. You will receive your music that night.
Email me if you are not joining this year or if you can not make the Feb 06 evening. Pauline sundrecommunitychoir@gmail.com
Looking forward to making music with you!
Pauline Blech
Sundre Community Choir Manager
http://sundrecommunitychoir. blogspot.ca/
https://www.facebook.com/ groups/sundrecommunitychoir/
EMAIL: sundrecommunitychoir@gmail.com
Sundre Community Choir Manager

EMAIL: sundrecommunitychoir@gmail.com