About Us...

The Sundre Community Choir is comprised of male and female singers between the ages of 16 and 80 from Sundre and the surrounding area. New members most welcome! Previous singing experience is helpful, but not required. No audition necessary. We convene mid-September for the fall sessions and end of January for the spring sessions.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Sundre Community Choir is preparing for its spring 2015 season

Sundre Community Choir is preparing for its spring 2015 season. The start date will be Tuesday nights beginning late February or early March, actual start date to be announced shortly via email.  As well, we expect to form a Handbell group for this session.

As we are expecting the spring sessions for choir and/or handbells to last about 10 weeks only, we will require a serious commitment to those 10 weeks.  Missing more than 2 practices will severely compromise your successful participation.

If you think you might be interested in this short-term commitment, we invite you to contact us atsundrecommunitychoir@gmail.com and ask to be added to our email list in order to get the updates.  Or you can call our Director Jean Dickman at 403-638-4828

We are a friendly and fun-loving group, which really enjoys the music we make.  For more information about our organization, find us on Facebook or see our webpage at http://sundrecommunitychoir.blogspot.ca/

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Please extend the invitation to your friends. Thanks.